There’s Something in the Air?
Our respiratory system is a network of organs and tissues that help us breathe. It includes your airways, lungs, and blood vessels. Muscles that power your lungs like your diaphragm are also part of the respiratory system. These parts work together to move oxygen throughout the body and regulate carbon dioxide.
When there are more elements in the air other than Co2, that are harmful to the system and ultimately our health, we call that pollution. Currently, we are in another fire season: strong winds, dropping humidity, and lots of forest fuel.
So…you may find yourself avoiding outdoor activities for a few days and are now spending more time indoors? If so, you may be surprised at how much your “indoor” environment is susceptible to pollutants!
Here are a few things you can do to help keep the air clean in your home:
Keep it clean. A clean house may be a healthier house because good indoor hygiene can greatly cut down on dust and animal dander
Keep the greenery outdoors, as most indoor plants trigger allergies and can attract mold
Change your filters on your heating vents or other intake points
Invest in an air purifier…especially for the bedroom
Let the fresh air in…Yes, open your windows every day and securely through the night.
5 RFT:
10 Unbroken Deadlifts (235/165)*
15 T2B
(15 Minute Cap)
*Must use an overhand grip w/out the help of hook grip*
– If you cannot do T2B, practice the following:
– Knees to chest: Work on the kipping swing in this movement. Keep tension on throughout the kip.
– 1:1